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Shuai CiJun

文章来源:betway唯一官方网站 发布时间:2020-12-23 14:29

    Shuai CiJun , Professor, doctoral supervisor. He has been engaged in laser micro-nano manufacturing teaching and research, A laser micro-nano manufacturing method for micro-nano-grain-macro-scale artificial bone is proposed, Reveal the mechanism and principle of the combination of nanostructure, The multi-stage micro-porous structure and complex shape of the form of integrated manufacturing, The transformation theory and method of artificial structure to biological structure have been developed. About 190 papers published as SCI first author, Among them TOP 72 journals, 89 articles in JCR one district, IF>5.0 47 papers, A maximum of five articles IF= an average of 12.08; More than 4590 citations by more than 50 academicians at home and abroad, ESI 24 papers ,21 hot papers and 3 cover papers; Published eight monographs, 51 patents granted, As an outstanding reviewer of 7 journals; Presided over more than 30 national and provincial scientific research projects, such as key projects, Scientific research funds more than 3000 million yuan. Won 100 outstanding doctoral dissertation in 2009, In the same year was appointed as Hunan Province Furong Scholars special professor and selected the Ministry of Education in the new century talent support program; Won the National Natural Science Foundation of China Outstanding Youth Science Foundation and Ministry of Education Huo Yingdong Young Teachers Foundation; Won the Hunan Province Outstanding Youth Science Foundation in 2013; In 2014, he was appointed a special professor of Yangtze River scholars in the Ministry of Education; Selected in 2015 Ministry of Science and Technology young and middle-aged scientific and technological innovation leader; Won the Changsha Youth Science and Technology Award in 2016.

Academic papers:

[1]   CijunShuai, Guofeng Liu, Youwen Yang, Fangwei Qi*, Shuping Peng*,   WenjingYang, Chongxian He, Guoyong Wang, GuowenQian. A strawberry-like   Ag-decorated barium titanate enhances piezoelectric and antibacterial   activities of polymer scaffold. Nano Energy, 2020, 74: 104825;

[2]   CijunShuai, Yong Xu, Pei Feng, Guoyong Wang, ShixianXiong, Shuping Peng*.   Antibacterial polymer scaffold based on mesoporous bioactive glass loaded   with in situ grown silver. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 374:304-315;

[3]   CijunShuai, Yun Cheng, Wenjing Yang*, Pei Feng, Youwen Yang, Chongxian He,   Fangwei Qi, Shuping Peng*. Magnetically actuated bone scaffold:   Microstructure, cell response and osteogenesis. Composites Part B:   Engineering, 2020,192:107986;

[4]   Youwen Yang, Changfu Lu, Shuping Peng, Lida Shen, Di Wang, FangweiQi,   CijunShuai*. Laser additive manufacturing of Mg-based composite with improved   degradation behaviour, Virtual and Physical Prototyping,2020, DOI:   10.1080/17452759.2020.1748381;

[5]   Cijun Shuai, Chongxian He, Liang Xu, Quan Li, Tong Chen, Youwen Yang*,   Shuping Peng *. Wrapping effect of secondary phases on the grains: increased   corrosion resistance of Mg-Al alloys, Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 2018,   13(4):292-300;

[6]   Cijun Shuai, Jun Zan, Fangwei Qi, Guoyong Wang, Zheng Liu, Youwen Yang*,   Shuping Peng*. nMgO-incorporated PLLA bone scaffolds: enhanced crystallinity   and neutralized acidic products. Materials & Design, 2019,174(15):107801;

[7]   Youwen Yang, Chongxian He, Dianyu E, Wenjing Yang, Fangwei Qi, Deqiao Xie,   Lida Shen, Shuping Peng*, Cijun Shuai*. Mg bone implant: features,   developments and perspectives. Materials & Design, 2020,186:108259;

[8]   Cijun Shuai, Wenjing Yang, Chongxian He, Shuping Peng, Chengde Gao, Youwen   Yang, Fangwei Qi, Pei Feng*. A magnetic micro-environment in scaffolds for   stimulating bone regeneration, Materials & Design, 2020, 185, 108275;

[9]   Cijun Shuai, Zichao Zeng, Youwen Yang, Fangwei Qi*, Shuping Peng*, Wenjing   Yang, Chongxian He, Guoyong Wang, Guowen Qian. Graphene oxide assists   polyvinylidene fluoride scaffold to reconstruct electrical microenvironment   of bone tissue, Materials & Design, 2020, 190:108564;

[10]   Cijun Shuai, Jun Zan, Youwen Yang, Shuping Peng, Wenjing Yang, Fangwei Qi,   Lida Shen, Zongjun TianSurface   modification enhances interfacial bonding in PLLA/MgO bone scaffoldMaterials   Science & Engineering C2020,108:110486