Welcome to Jiangxi University of Technology (Nanchang) School of energy and mechanical engineering!

Organization Structure

必威   School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering

党委行政   Party committee administration

党政办公室 Office of the Party and Government

学工办公室   School Work Office

党委        Party committee

制造教研室   Manufacturing Teaching and Research Office

机电教研室      Electrical and Mechanical Teaching and Research Office

能动教研室     Active Teaching and Research Office

资源教研室   Resources Teaching and Research Office

实验实训中心  Experimental Training Center

基础物理实验室 Basic Physics Laboratory

专业教学实验室  Professional Teaching Laboratory

金工实习工厂  Metalworking Practice Factory

群团组织 Mass organization

工会 Labour union

团委 Youth League Committee

学生会 Student Union

分委员会 Sub-Commission

教学指导委员会 Teaching Steering Committee

学术委员会 Academic Committee

思想政治工作领导小组 Leading Group of Ideological and Political Work

学生工作领导小组   Student Affairs Leading Group