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Li Liangxing

文章来源:betway唯一官方网站 发布时间:2020-12-19 21:20

The profile to Master Supervisor of School of Energy and Mechanical Engineering

Name Li Liangxing Gender male Birth date 1983.12

Job Title Lecturer EducationPh.D TEL079183852050

Subject Metallurgical Engineering , Materials and Chemical Industry

Ph.D supervisor/Master supervisor Master supervisor

E-Mail lilx@jxust.edu.cn Social part-time none

TaughtCurriculum:Applied electrochemistry, Advanced Material Chemistry, Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Engineering Ethics.

Personal experiences:

Li Liangxing, male, Ph.D student, member of the CPC, was born in Chongren, Jiangxi Province.He is a member of the Expert Committee of the Technical Innovation Strategy Alliance of China's Nonferrous Metal Industry. Mainly engaged in the research of light metal metallurgy, rare metal metallurgy and molten salt electrochemistry. Research directions include the theory and application of light metal molten salt electrolysis, preparation and application of rare earth aluminium alloy high performance materials, solid waste treatment and greenhouse gas reduction.He presided over one project of the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province, two scientific and technological research projects of the Department of Education of Jiangxi Province, and one project of the National Natural Science Foundation.More than 20 papers have been published in domestic and foreign journals and conference paper collections, including 10 in SCI, 12 in EI, 1 in monograph, 1 in textbook, and 8 in patent for invention.

The main research directions :

The theory and application of molten salt electrochemistry, preparation and application of high performance materials, solid waste treatment and greenhouse gas emission reduction.

Scientific research awards:

(1) Project of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Natural Science Foundation, 20192 BAB206019, Mechanism Study on Preparation of Al-Sc Alloy by Molten Salt Electrolysis Sc2O3 in Chloride System, 2019-01 to 2021-12 , 6,000 Yuan,whichis currently under Research and presided over by Li Liangxing.

(2)National Natural Science Foundation Committee, Face Project, 51674126, Basic Theory Study on Preparation of Dy-Cu Intermediate Alloy by Molten Salt Electrolysis of Fluoride-Oxide System, 2017-01 to 2020-1268,000 Yuan,whichis the one Li Liangxing participated in and currently in the state of research.

Academic Papers:

(1) Chunfa Liao; Boqing Cai; Xu Wang; Yunfen Jiao; Shumei Chen; Liangxing Li; Study on surface tension of Dy-Cu intermediate alloy prepared using LiF-DyF3molten salt system, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2020, 301(1): 112453-112463.

(2) Li Liangxing *; Wang Taosheng; Huang Xilin; Huang Jindi; research progress in preparation of Al SC master alloy by molten salt electrolysis, materials guide, 2018, 32 (21): 3768-3773

(3) Liangxing Li; Zhongning Shi*; Bingliang Gao; Xianwei Hu; Zhaowen Wang; Electrochemical conversion of CO2 to carbon and oxygen in LiCl-Li2O melts, Elect ochimica Acta, 2016, 190: 655-658.

(4) Liangxing Li; Zhongning Shi*; Bingliang Gao; Junli Xu; Xianwei Hu; Zhaowen Wang; Preparation of carbon and oxygen by carbon dioxide electrolysis in LiF-Li2CO3 eutectic molten salt, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163(2): E1-E6.

(5) Liangxing Li; Zhongning Shi; Junli Xu; Xianwei Hu; Zhaowen Wang; ElectrochemicalBehavior of Carbonate Ion in the LiF-NaF-Li2CO3System, Electrochemistry, 2014, 82(12): 1072-1077.

(6) Li Liangxing; Guan Jinzhao; Liu Aimin; Shi Zhongning; Korenko Michal; Xu Junli; Gao Bingliang; Wang Zhaowen; Preparation of solar grade silicon precursor by silicon dioxide electrolysis in molten salts, EPD Congress 2015-Held During TMS 2015 144th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 2015: 209-217.

(7) Li Liangxing, Shi Zhongning; Gao Bingliang; Xu Junli; Hu Xianwei; Wang Zhaowen; Electrochemical conversion CO2 to carbon and oxygen gas in the LiF-Li2CO3systems, 10th International Conference on Molten Salt Chemistry and Technology, 2015: 193-198.

(8) Li Liangxing; Liu Aimin; Xie Kaiyu; Shi Zhongning; preparation of graphite coating by molten salt electrodeposition on nickel substrate, Journal of Northeast University (NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION), 2015, 36 (5): 675-679


Li Liangxing. Production of oxygen and carbon by electrolysis of carbon dioxide molten salt. Beijing. Metallurgical Industry Press


(1) Li Liangxing; Huang Xilin; Huang Jindi; Zhong Yinsheng; AI Xiang; Xu Yingchun; preparation method of TiN film, 2020-02-19, China, ZL201810610773. X

(2) Li Liangxing; Huang Qilin; Wang Taosheng; Huang Jindi; Xu Yingchun; A method for preparing aluminium-scandium intermediate alloy by melt electrolysis in chloride oxide system, 2019-09-17, China, ZL201710840398.3.

(3) Li Liangxing; Huang Xilin; Huang Jindi; Xu Yingchun; a molten salt electrolytic refining method for graphite,2017-12-15, China, ZL201610640970.7

(4) Li Liangxing; Huang Xilin; Huang Jindi; Xu Yingchun; a method for preparing tungsten carbide by molten salt electrolysis,2017-09-19, China, ZL201610021473.9

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