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文章来源:betway唯一官方网站 发布时间:2021年11月09日 16:03











    陈铜,女,博士后,副教授,硕士研究生导师,江西省新时代赣鄱先锋-群众身边好党员,江西理工大学清江青年人才科技标兵,教育部学位中心学位论文评审专家。硕博连读毕业于湖南大学,加拿大麦吉尔大学访问学者,湖南师范大学博士后。目前已主持国家基金2项(青年项目一项),主持江西省自然科学基金3项(杰青、面上、青年各一项),国家重点实验室开放课题2项以及博士后基金、江西省教育厅、赣州市科技项目各1项等。目前以第一作者或通讯作者身份在ACS sensors, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, Applied Surface Science, Journal Alloys and Compounds, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Surface and Interface, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Langmuir, Organic Electronics, Vacuum等发表SCI论文50余篇(包括三篇封面论文)。出版学术专著4部(第一主编身份2部),参编教材2部。ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vacuum, Surface and Interface, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter等期刊的审稿人。申请发明专利2实用新型专利2项,获批软件著作权10余项。多次指导学生荣获国家级/省级奖项,被评为优秀指导”6次。


















  1. 低维纳米材料电子结构及输运特性研究;2、二维纳米材料异质结器件电磁输运特性及气敏性研究;3基于低维纳米材料的纳米器件的光电特性研究;4低浓度下有毒气体检测研究




1)低维碳基纳米体系电子结构及输运机理研究. 陈铜、许梁编著. —长沙: 中南大学出版社, 2021.6ISBN 978-7-5487-4430-6.

2Electronic and Spin Transportation of Low-dimensional Novel Nanomaterials (英文版)/ 陈铜、董先声、严深浪编著长沙: 中南大学出版社, 2022. 7ISBN 978-7-5487-4978-3.


[1]Xiansheng Dong, Tong Chen*, Guanghui ZhouDesign high performance field-effect, strain/gas sensors of novel 2D penta-like Pd2P2SeX (X= O, S, Te) pin-junction nanodevices: A study of transport properties Journal of Alloys and Compounds 977 (2024) 173417 (SCI 2, Top期刊);

[2]Cheng Luo, Tong Chen*, Lin Huang, Luzheng Xie, Danfeng Qin, Xianbo Xiao, High-efficiency hydrogen detection for Sc decorated biphenylene based gas sensors: Insights from DFT study International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 65 (2024) 881-890;

[3]Guogang Liu, Tong Chen*, Guanghui Zhou, Zhonghui Xu, and Xianbo Xiao, Nonvolatile Electrical Control and Reversible Gas Capture by Ferroelectric Polarization Switching in 2D FeI2/In2S3 van der Waals Heterostructures, ACS sensors, 8 (2023) 1440-1449 (SCI 1, Top期刊);

[4]Xiansheng Dong, Tong Chen*, Guogang Liu, Luzhen Xie, Guanghui Zhou*, and Mengqiu Long*, Multifunctional 2D g-C4N3/MoS2 vdW Heterostructure-Based Nanodevices: Spin Filtering and Gas Sensing Properties. ACS Sensors, 2022, 7, 3450-3460 (SCI 1, Top期刊).

[5]Luzhen Xie, Tong Chen*, Xiansheng Dong, Guogang Liu, Hui Li, Ning Yang, Desheng Liu, Xianbo Xiao*, A comparative study of the electronic transport and gas sensitive properties of Graphene+, T-graphene, Net-graphene and Biphenylene based two-dimensional devices, ACS Sensor, 8 (2023) 3510-3519 (SCI 1, Top期刊).

[6]Cheng Luo, Tong Chen*, Xiansheng Dong, Luzhen Xie, Danfeng Qin, Lin Huang, Huili Li, Xianbo Xiao*, Theoretical insight into the intrinsic electronic transport properties of graphene-biphenylene -graphene nanosheets and nanoribbons: a first-principles study, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 11 (2023) 9114.

[7]Ning Yang, Guogang Liu, Tong Chen*, Xiansheng Dong, Yan Li, Zhonghui Xu, Unveiling adsorption characteristics of BC5 monolayer: High electronic anisotropy and gas sensing performance, Applied Surface Science, 615 (2023) 156226 (SCI 2, Top期刊);

[8]Danfeng Qin, Tong Chen,* Luzhen Xie, Ning Yang, Cheng Luo and Guanghui Zhou , Design and analysis of a 2D grapheneplus (G+)-based gas sensor for the detection of multiple organic gases. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 25(2023) 29315

[9]Luzhen Xie, Tong Chen*, Xiansheng Dong, Haipeng Wang, Liang Xu, Guanghui Zhou, Multifunctional spin transport behaviors of biphenyl-molecule-based nanodevices. Vacuum, 214 (2023) 112233;

[10]Ning Yang, Guogang Liu, Tong Chen*, Xiansheng Dong, Zhonghui Xu, Xianbo Xiao*, Studying the adsorption of gas molecules and defects on modulating the electronic transport characteristics of monolayer Penta-BN2 based devices: the first-principle method. Langmuir, 2023, 39 (2023) 15507-15516;

[11]Xiansheng Dong, Tong Chen*, Guogang Liu, Luzhen Xie, Guanghui Zhou, and Mengqiu Long, Multifunctional 2D g‑C4N3/MoS2 vdW Heterostructure-Based Nanodevices: Spin Filtering and Gas Sensing Properties. ACS sensor 2022, 7, 3450−3460(SCI 1, Top期刊) ;

[12]Guogang Liu, Tong Chen * , Xiansheng Dong, Lin Huang, Zhonghui Xua and Xianbo Xiao, High gas sensing performance of inorganic and organic molecule sensing devices based on the BC3N2 monolayer. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24(2022) 23769 .

[13]Guogang Liu, Zhonghui Xu, Lin Huang, Xianbo Xiao, Tong Chen∗, Band-gap engineering and optoelectronic properties of 2D WSi2N4 nanosheets: A first principle calculations. Physica E 146 (2023) 115530.

[14]Luzhen Xie, Tong Chen∗, Xiansheng Dong, Guogang Liu, Haipeng Wangand Xianbo Xiao, High switching ratio and inorganic gas sensing performance in BeN4 based nanodevice: a first-principles study. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34 (2022) 465302.

[15]Guogang Liu, Tong Chen∗, Xiaohui Li, Zhonghui Xu, Xianbo Xiao, Electronic transport in biphenylene network monolayer: Proposals for 2D multifunctional carbon-based nanodevices. Applied Surface Science 599 (2022) 153993 (SCI 2, Top期刊).

[16]Xiansheng Dong, Huili Li, Tong Chen∗, Liang Xu, Guanghui Zhou, Defects-/doping driven modulation of the electronic and magnetic properties of 2H- and Td-phase WTe2 monolayers: A first- principle study. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 143 (2022) 106537.





2江西省杰青项目, 二维五边形PdPX (X=S, Se, Te)功能性器件的设计及其输运机理研究,20232ACB2110082024/01- 2026/1220万,在研,主持




2复旦大学应用表面物理国家重点实验室 开放课题, KF2022_082022/03-2023/124万元,结题,主持。

3国家自然科学基金理论物理专项 117470042018/01-2018/125万元,已结题,主持。

4江西省科技厅青年项目 20192BAB2120012019/01-2020/12, 6万元,已结题(结题优秀),主持。

5江西省教育厅项目 GJJ1606612017/01-2018/062万元,已结题,主持。

6低维量子结构与调控教育部重点实验室开放课题 QSQC1910,2020/01-2021/121万元,已结题,主持。

7国家留学基金委面上项目, No. 2018083600722018/08-2019/08,已结题,主持。







