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Our institute carried out a student cadre training conference

文章来源:betway唯一官方网站 发布时间:2023年12月06日 15:39

In order to further strengthen the construction of the student cadre team, improve the comprehensive quality and ability of student cadres, and cultivate a group of student cadres with high ideological and political literacy, strong work ability and excellent work style, on the afternoon of November 28, our institute carried out a student cadre training conference in the lecture hall of the library.

 At the beginning of the meeting, Rao Xianfa fully affirmed the contributions made by student cadres in the student work of the college, and hoped that the students would continue to work hard, find their own positioning, improve their own abilities, and make greater efforts for the smooth development of the college's work in the future.

Rao Xianfa popularized the experience and methods of how to do a good job in the "group study" work at the grassroots level from 15 aspects, such as what qualities should be possessed to be a good student cadre, how to handle the relationship between work and study, and how to handle the interpersonal relationships around him.

At the end of the training, Secretary Rao put forward several requirements to the student cadres: First, we must establish a sense of responsibility, strengthen responsibility, and there must be no "bureaucracy" and other situations, and we must serve our classmates and teachers well, work hard, and work hard; Second, we should give full play to the power of role models and cultivate good moral character, as student cadres, we should give full play to the power of role models, cultivate our own good moral character, and play an exemplary role; Third, it is necessary to improve learning ability, practice excellent skills, and actively carry forward the school's "three realities spirit". He also reminded the students and cadres that they must focus on study and reasonably allocate the time for work and study in the department.

The convening of the student cadre training conference put forward new goals and requirements for the development of student cadres of our college, and deepened the cognition and positioning of student cadres on their job responsibilities.