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Yang Bin, Party secretary of the university, came to the hospital for investigation and guidance

文章来源:betway唯一官方网站 发布时间:2022年11月05日 20:40

News from this website On the morning of November 5, Yang Bin, Secretary of the Party Committee of the University, came to the school for investigation and guidance, accompanied by Vice President Lai Xiaojun and Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee Chen Yiqiang.

Yang Bin and his delegation first visited the research platform and research laboratory of the school and learned about some of the work carried out by the school in team building. In the graduate studio, Yang Bin had a cordial communication with the graduate students, asked them about their study and life, and encouraged them to strengthen their study and strive to become a new person of the era worthy of important responsibilities. Afterwards, the delegation went to the conference room of the college for research and discussion. The college leaders and representatives of department heads attended the symposium.

At the meeting, the Dean of the school, Xia Libin, first made a report on the basic situation and some achievements of the school, pointed out the shortcomings of the work and the next step, and put forward the practical difficulties that the school and the campus hope to help solve. Liu Chuanli, secretary of the Party Committee of the Academy, and other leaders in charge of the party construction, scientific research, teaching, student management and other aspects of the work report. The department head and the discipline leader also reported the achievements and shortcomings of the department and the research team.

Yang Bin listened to the report carefully, made notes in the book at any time, asked the specific situation and guidance at the right time, and gave a positive response to the difficulties and requests from the college. Yang Bin pointed out that the school of Mechanical Engineering was established late, but it started fast and has made good achievements in scientific research, graduate training, teaching and research, enrollment and employment in a short time. To a certain extent, it has achieved high-quality and leapfrog development. The Party Committee of the school thanked all the faculty and staff for their hard work.

While affirming the discipline construction work of the school, Yang Bin pointed out that the school still has shortcomings in the development and utilization of new energy and other energy disciplines, so it should actively plan, take the lead in layout, quickly enter into the overall situation of national, provincial and municipal development in the field of new energy, strengthen exchanges with domestic experts and teams in related fields, and understand the field Industry frontier dynamic, to promote the discipline construction to lay a foundation.

Finally, Yang Bin put forward five hopes and requirements for the work of the college: First, we should take responsibility and make greater contribution to the high-quality development of the college; Second, we should deepen the reform and explore a new development path actively. Third, we will continue to provide first-class guidance and comprehensively improve the development of first-class disciplines and specialties. Fourth, we should put people first and fully carry out the fundamental task of cultivating virtues and people. Fifth, double integration and double education, comprehensively strengthen the guidance of Party building, integrated into the overall development of the province and the whole school.

(Text and Photo/Xiao Bin Review/Xia Libin)